Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January 22nd

I had only visited Cornell once before I became a student in the Fall of 2012 and that was after I was already committed to play softball here. People gasped when I would say that I had not seen the place that I planned on living in for the next four years, but I calmly asked them "have you ever heard one person say a bad thing about Cornell?" The answer was almost a unanimous no. Although Ithaca is freezing it is one of the most beautiful places in the world which makes Cornell one of the most beautiful campuses in the world.

As soon as I came on my official visit for the softball team in the beginning of October and it was already snowing I knew that this is what I signed up for. Grey skies, cold rain, a lack of sun, a plethora of unpredictable weather. I think I should mention that I am from sunny Miami, Florida and even though I have encountered snow before it is always with the intention of skiing so I associate snow with happiness and fun. I soon learned that snow means an unpleasant walk to class but the beauty of the white perfection has not faded, probably because I have only been around it for the past three days.

One thing upper class-men repeatedly exclaimed was that the sky was always grey. As soon as I was home for winter break my mom threw my outside and demanded that I spend time soaking in all the vitamin D I had gone months without. As I sit here in Olin library looking out into a white blanketed Arts Quad I see a sunny blue sky and I am loving it. I am not complaining at all but so far as of today Ithaca's weather has not lived up to all of the madness.